

ALRIGHT!! now lets move on to our first test!

Now first and foremost let me give the ingredient that going to be use here:

10g of Sugar
15g of Cake flour
41g of Egg White
32g of Sugar
0.6g of Cream of Tartar
0.1g of Salt


Why theres is 2 weight of sugar?! read on!
and next is the method that we're going to use to test with the Angles Cakes: (IMPORTANT! MUST OBEY)
  1. Preheat oven to 350'F (177'C) except for procedure 6, which has separate baking directions.
  2. Line the bottom of each individual loaf pan (5" x12 1/2" x2") with wax paper cut to just fit. Do not grease the sides of the pan.
  3. Sift flour and first weight (10 g) of sugar together and set aside. Beat the egg whites together to the foamy stage, using an electric mixer (same kind for all parts of the experiment). Unless indicated differently in a specific series, add the cream of tartar and salt. (Note: if it were being used, flavoring would be added with the cream of tartar). Continue beating on the fastest mixer setting while gradually adding 32 g sugar. Beat the whites until the peaks just bend over.
  4. Sift 1/4 of the flour-sugar mixture over the whites. fold in gently with 10 strokes using a rubber spatula.
  5. Sift the second 1/4 of the flour-sugar mixture over the whites and fold in gently with 10 strokes, followed by the same process for the third addition.
  6. Sift the final 1/4 of the flour-sugar mixture over the foam and fold 20 strokes to completely blend the mixture (making a total of 50 folding strokes with the rubber spatula).
  7. Gently push and weight 99 g of the batter into the pan. Finish all of the cakes being baked in one oven before placing them all in the oven at the same time.
  8. Baking until the surface springs back when touched lightly with a finger (-30 minutes). Record the baking time.
  9. Cool in an inverted position with air circulating under the pan. When almost cool, remove from the pan.


well now we got the method trough, we should move on the procedure that our team has been assign to.
As group 01, our team has been assign to

"Verifying the amount of folding"

  • 20 strokes--- Follow the basic formula, but fold only 5 strokes after each addiction (a total of 20 strokes).
  • 50 strokes (control) --- Follow the basic formula/method. (there's no changes)
  • 80 strokes--- Follow the basic formula, but fold 20 strokes after each addition (a total of 80 strokes).

so after making decision using
it is decided that:
Afiq(panjang) will do 20 strokes,
Acab 50 strokes
Arib with 80 strokes [T-T]

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